Prayer Diary

Every month we are updating our website version of our prayer dairy. Every day we have a verse generator.

October 2024

Tue Oct 1st On this International Day of Older Persons we give thanks for all those older people from whom we have learnt so much through our lives and for all who continue to teach and challenge us. We pray for all the older people in our lives and communities, that they may feel valued and cherished, safe and supported. Locally we pray particularly for the people of Ingleton Avenue, that they may feel the joy of belonging and being valued.

Wed Oct 2nd On this International Day of Non-Violence, we remember all those who have been the victims of violence and pray that we learn to build a society which respects non-violence; we pray that we learn to resolve differences in ways that acknowledge the essential dignity and humanity of all. Locally we pray for the people of Johnnie Johnson Housing Trust, for a neighbourhood of understanding, hospitality and care.

Thu Oct 3rd We pray for emergency services around the world, for those doing their best to serve their communities, responding to sometimes horrendous and often dangerous situations. We give thanks for all that is good in these services and pray for those services badly served either by systemic failures or by bad recruitment, training or self-serving individuals. Locally we pray for the people of Kathkin Avenue, that they may sense God’s presence with them, whatever they are facing.

Fri Oct 4th in this World Space Week, we look with awe and wonder at the immensity and beauty of space. We pray that our sense of greed, power and invincibility may not be allowed to lead us to treat the wider universe with the disrespect and contempt we sometimes display towards our planet. We pray locally for the people of Kearsley Road, that they may have a sense of the wonder and diversity of God’s creation.

Sat Oct 5th On World Teachers’ Day we pray for teachers across the world: for those working with few resources, for those teaching in areas compromised by great poverty or conflict; we pray for those teaching with compassion, enthusiasm and great skills, despite feeling deskilled, undervalued, inadequately paid and supported. We give thanks for all those teachers from whom we and our families have learnt so much and all who keep us curious and eager to learn more. Locally we pray for the people of Kings Avenue, that they find the welcome and support of a caring neighbourhood.

Sun Oct 6th 19th after Trinity.Job 1.1; 2.1-10; Ps 26; Heb 1:1-4, 2: 5-12; Mark 10: 2-16. All good gifts around us are sent from Heaven above, then thank the Lord, Oh thank the Lord, for all his love. Good and gracious God, your love is never failing, Your heart is open to us, your presence never leaves us; strengthen our faith, deepen our love for you and keep us in your ways; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Mon Oct 7th On World Habitat Day, we lament the loss of habitat for so many creatures and plants over the ages. We pray that we may work to maintain and respect the earth and all its inhabitants. We give thanks for all who work and campaign for all God’s creation. We pray for those peoples too, driven from their land and ways of life by large companies, motivated more by greed and profit, than a respect for indigenous peoples. Locally we remember the people of Lansdowne Road and pray for their safety, health and well-being.

Tue Oct 8th Looking back to World Cotton Day (7th) we pray for all involved in the production, creation, distribution and trade of cotton fabrics and indeed of all fabrics. We pray for those involved in advertising and the fashion industry. We pray for good ethical, sustainable, fair trade, with factories and companies upholding principles of safety, good working conditions and fair remuneration for all workers. Locally we pray for the people of Lexton Avenue, giving thanks for the ways in which they enrich the lives of the local community.

Wed Oct 9th On World Post Day, we remember and give thanks for all who work in this industry. As we remember our own terrible post office scandal, we pray for all who have been affected by deceit, mistakes, cover-ups, failings of management, government and technology. We pray that we learn to hold people and companies to account far better than we have done. We pray that those who have been treated badly in the work force may come to see justice and some recompense for the ways in which they have been treated. Locally, we pray for the people of Lidiard Street, that they may have peace and joy in their hearts.

Thu Oct 10th On World Mental Health Day we pray for greater awareness of mental health issues around the world and more concerted effort to make mental health care a reality for people across the world. We pray for those within our families, friendships, colleagues and communities, struggling with mental health difficulties; we pray for all involved in the care and treatment of those living with mental ill health. We give thanks for all who live in Limbert Circle, and pray that they may be conscious of the love and beauty around them.

Fri Oct 11th On this International Day of the Girl Child we remember that Today’s generation of girls is disproportionately affected by global crises of climate, conflict, poverty and pushback on hard won gains for human rights and gender equality. Too many girls are still denied their rights, restricting their choices and limiting their futures. We pray for girls around the world, unable to speak out, access education, look toward a future of choice of independence, fulfilling career, of adequate health and safe maternity care. Locally we pray for the people of Limestead Avenue, that they may have a sense of being cherished, and that they too may feel able to be loving towards others this day.

Sat Oct 12th On World Migratory Bird Day we give thanks for the world’s bird population, recognising the many difficulties they face, the joy, beauty, music and delight they bring to the world. We pray for greater protection of birds, insects, their habitats amidst the ongoing climate crisis and farming methods that compromise their habitats. We pray for all individuals and organisations seeking to protect birds and their habitats. We pray locally for the people of Linn Street, that they may feel the richness of a community of respect, care and inclusivity.

Sun Oct 13th 20th after Trinity. Harvest Festival. Joel 23.1-9,16,17; Ps 22/1-15; 2 Cor 9.6-15. Holy Father, bless your church, that it may reveal your love: Let us be an open and accepting church; Let us be a forgiving and sensitive church; Let us be a loving and understanding church; That your church may reflect your love for the world. Amen

Mon Oct 14th We pray for those whom we meet or are in contact with today, that we may see or hear them truly, that we may recognise their dignity. We pray for them in all they are coping with in their lives. We pray locally for the people of Lowther Road, that they may feel the comfort and presence of God. 

Tue Oct 15th We pray for our prisons, for all who are working to maintain safety and rehabilitation opportunities. We pray for inmates and their families, for all that they have lost and face losing in the future. We pray for a lessening of the pressures of overcrowding, for a greater commitment from government and Society to enable successful life beyond prison.  We pray for all who work in prisons and for those who work to enable former prisoners find and maintain meaningful employment and adequate accommodation. We pray locally for the people of Lyndhurst Avenue and ask that they may sense the joy and richness of God’s creation and have a sense of God in whatever situation they find themselves in

Wed Oct 16th On World Food Day we give thanks for all the food available to us. We pray that people around the world have greater access to diversity, nutrition, affordability and safety of foods, We pray for greater respect for good ethical food production, for less waste and enough food for all. We pray for all involved in the food industry and all who encourage us to appreciate the delight and joy in food preparation, in taste, appearance, smell and texture. We pray for the people of Maclaren Drive, for their health and well-being, that they may feel drawn to acts of friendship and kindness this week.

Thu Oct 17th On this International Day for the Eradication of Poverty we pray for greater understanding and dialogue between people living in poverty and the wider society. We pray for those trapped in extreme poverty often working long, gruelling hours in dangerous, unregulated conditions but still unable to earn enough income to adequately support themselves and their families. Locally we pray for the people of Magna Drive, that they may feel the comfort and presence of God.

Fri Oct 18th We pray for all who work in our legal and justice system, and for fair access to legal aid. We pray for a lessening of the time it takes for cases to come to court – for the sake of victims, defendants and Justice. We pray for all who work in our courts. Locally we pray for the people of Maldwyn Avenue, that they may feel the safety and generosity of a kind neighbourhood.

Sat Oct 19th We give thanks for our gardens, parks and the green spaces of our towns. We pray for all involved in their maintenance and upkeep. We pray that all are able to access and enjoy the benefits of such spaces. Locally we pray for the people of Malimson Bourne Housing Association and for the ways in which they help to create a community that feels safe, confident and supportive.

Sun Oct 20th 21st after Trinity. Job 38.1-7,34-41; Ps 104.1-10,26,35c; Heb 5:1-10; Mark 10:35-45. Lord, comfort all who are having any difficulties in relationships. We pray for all who find it hard to make friends, For all who have been betrayed or deserted by a loved one. We remember all living with bullying or violence in home, at school or at work. We pray for all who cannot trust the people around them. Amen

Mon Oct 21st We pray for all involved in medical and health work: for those trying to ensure proper funding and resourcing for the NHS: for doctors, nurses, pharmacists and therapists in hospitals, clinics and community: for all involved in the cleaning and maintaining of clinical buildings: for all involved in research and administration needed to ensure good working systems. Locally we pray for the people of Manchester Jewish Housing Association, that they may sense the beauty and bounty of God’s creation.

Tue Oct 22nd We pray for all who are ill, all who are suffering from long-term chronic conditions, all managing pain or discomfort, diminishing mobility or clarity of mind. We pray for those waiting a long time for much needed surgery. We pray for the people of Mariman Drive, their families and friends, that they may feel part of a community of kindness and friendship.

Wed Oct 23rd We pray for those who have been subjected to ridicule, bullying, to contempt and abuse, to words and actions of hate. We pray that we learn not to take out our feelings of anger, fear or frustration on others, but to find safe and fair ways of expressing and managing them. Help us God of compassion, to search out light, to live in hope, to meet hate with love. Show us how, and be with us each timid step. Amen. We pray locally for the people of Maureen Avenue, that they may feel the security and dignity of a warm, inclusive community.

Thu Oct 24th On this United Nations Day we give thanks for this global organization giving hope to so many people for a better world. We pray for its work in tackling the global crises we face today such as the climate crisis and mass migration, poverty and hunger; we pray for its work in its sustainable development goals including those of Good health and well-being, Quality Education, Gender Equality, Clean water and sanitation and Affordable and Clean energy. We pray locally for the people of Mayberth Avenue, that they may feel heard, hopeful and valued.

Fri Oct 25th In this disarmament Week (21st-28th) we recognise that heightened tensions and dangers are better resolved through serious political dialogue and negotiation—not by more arms. We pray for all working for peace, diplomacy and justice. Locally we pray for the people of Meade Hill Road, that they may experience the warmth and security of a welcoming and inclusive neighbourhood

Sat Oct 26th We pray for clean water for everyone; for all those made ill through lack of clean water; for all those whose livelihoods are in danger through water pollution. We pray for an attitude of greater responsibility and care towards our oceans, rivers and land. Locally we pray for the people of Aveson Ave, that they may find the support, joy and strength they need in their lives.

Sun Oct 27th Last Sunday after Trinity. Isa 55.1-11; Ps 19.7-14; 2 Tim 3.14-4.5; John 5.36b-47. Lord, in our dealings with each other, Teach us to listen, teach us to forgive, Teach us to understand, teach us to love, Give us the courage to start again. We pray for our friends and our loved ones. Amen

Mon Oct 28th We pray for all those who, through the Arts inspire, teach, challenge and enthral us. We pray locally for the people of Melton Road, that they may see something of God’s love in their lives and in their community.

Tue Oct 29th On this International Day of Care and Support we recognise how crucial such work is, whether paid or unpaid. Growing populations, ageing societies, changing families, women’s secondary status in labour markets and shortcomings in social policies demand urgent action on the organization of care work from governments, employers, trade unions and individual citizens. We pray for a world that values all care workers. We pray for the people of Middleton Road that they may be conscious of beauty and hope amidst those feelings of hopelessness and sadness.

Wed Oct 30th We pray for all the businesses and shops in Crumpsall; for those who work in them, for those who use them. We pray for a renewed thriving town, proud of so much that is good in our community. We pray for all who feel they have no investment in their local community and no part to play in their upkeep. Locally we pray for the people of Midfield Court, that they may experience love and beauty in their lives.

Thu Oct 31st On World Cities Day we pray for those who live in cities around the world. We pray for those working to plan and make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. We give thanks for the cultural and artistic opportunities in cities, for all that is beneficial to our communities, to the health and well-being of our citizens. Locally we pray for the people of Moorland Avenue.

Verse of the day